Dzieci / Children: In-Person & Online Classes
Serdecznie zapraszamy na sobotnie zajęcia w roku szkolnym 2024/25. Prosimy o zapisy do 12go lipca 2024.
You are cordially invited to attend in-person classes in the 2024/25 school year. Please register by July 12, 2024.
Serdecznie zapraszamy na sobotnie zajęcia w roku szkolnym 2024/25. Prosimy o zapisy do 12go lipca 2024.
You are cordially invited to attend in-person classes in the 2024/25 school year. Please register by July 12, 2024.
- Formularz rejestracyjny poniżej (1 dla każdego ucznia) Registration form below (1 per student)
Miejsce/ Location: Spiritus Sanctus Academy 4101 E Joy Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Data i godzina/Time and day: Soboty/Saturdays, 9:30am-12:00pm
Kalendarz 2024/25: (27 lekcji)/ Calendar (27 classes)
Children's program & Polish book sale at the Ann Arbor Polish Film Festival
Opłata/ Tuition:
Annual Tuition Fee: paid in two payments due by the first day of the Fall (9/14/24) and Winter (1/11/25) semester:
Tuition 1 Child $540 (two payments of $270)
Tuition 2 Children $946 (two payments of $473)
Tuition 3 Children $1324 (two payments of $662)
Artykuły szkolne i książki / School supplies and books
Listę potrzebnych artykułów szkolnych wyślą nauczyciele na początku semestru.
A list of necessary school supplies will be sent by individual teachers at the beginning of the semester.
Książki szkoła zamówi i rozda uczniom we wrześniu. Rodzice dostaną fakturę za koszt książek we wrześniu.
Books will be ordered by the school and delivered to students in September. Parents will receive an invoice for books in September.
We are unable to provide make-ups for any in-person classes.
Data i godzina/Time and day: Soboty/Saturdays, 9:30am-12:00pm
Kalendarz 2024/25: (27 lekcji)/ Calendar (27 classes)
- Wrzesień/ September: 14, 21, 28
- Październik/ October: 5, 12, 19, 26
- Listopad/ November: 9, 16, 23
Children's program & Polish book sale at the Ann Arbor Polish Film Festival
- Grudzień/ December: 7, 14
- Styczeń/ January: 11, 18, 25
- Luty/ February: 8, 15, 22
- Marzec/ March: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
- Kwiecień/ April: 12, 26
- Maj/ May: 3, 10
Opłata/ Tuition:
Annual Tuition Fee: paid in two payments due by the first day of the Fall (9/14/24) and Winter (1/11/25) semester:
Tuition 1 Child $540 (two payments of $270)
Tuition 2 Children $946 (two payments of $473)
Tuition 3 Children $1324 (two payments of $662)
- Sylwia Hunsinger (our treasurer) will send you an invoice via email to pay for your tuition two weeks prior to each due date.
- Payment is accepted as an ACH transfer (offered in the invoice e-mail) or by check. ACH transfer is secure and preferred.
- Late fee of $50 (per semester) will be applied if payments are not made by the specified dates.
- Please contact Sylwia Hunsinger if there are any questions at [email protected]
Artykuły szkolne i książki / School supplies and books
Listę potrzebnych artykułów szkolnych wyślą nauczyciele na początku semestru.
A list of necessary school supplies will be sent by individual teachers at the beginning of the semester.
Książki szkoła zamówi i rozda uczniom we wrześniu. Rodzice dostaną fakturę za koszt książek we wrześniu.
Books will be ordered by the school and delivered to students in September. Parents will receive an invoice for books in September.
We are unable to provide make-ups for any in-person classes.
Serdecznie zapraszamy na zajęcia online w roku szkolnym 2024/25. Prosimy o zapisy do 12go lipca 2024.
You are cordially invited to attend online classes in the 2024/25 school year. Please register by July 12, 2024.
Serdecznie zapraszamy na zajęcia online w roku szkolnym 2024/25. Prosimy o zapisy do 12go lipca 2024.
You are cordially invited to attend online classes in the 2024/25 school year. Please register by July 12, 2024.
- Formularz rejestracyjny poniżej (1 dla każdego ucznia) Registration form below (1 per student)
Grupowe zajęcia online będą możliwe tylko w przypadku wystarczającej liczby uczestników. Zajęcia będą odbywać się w trybie zoom/skype przez godzinę w dniu i o godzinie wspólnie uzgodnionej przez uczestników i nauczyciela.
Group online classes will only be possible with enough participants. Classes will meet on zoom/skype for one hour at a day and time mutually agreed upon by participants and teacher.
Indywidualne zajęcia online są możliwe. Będziemy współpracować z rodzicami, aby znaleźć dzień/godzinę, która będzie odpowiednia dla ucznia i nauczyciela.
Individual online classes are possible. We will work with you to try to find a day/time that works for you and the teacher.
Kalendarz 2024/25: (27 lekcji) - Calendar (27 classes)
Data i godzina/ Time and day: To be determined in August based on student's and teacher's availability.
Opłata/ Tuition (per student/per class) :
Artykuły szkolne i książki / School supplies and books
Listę potrzebnych artykułów szkolnych wyślą nauczyciele na początku semestru.
A list of necessary school supplies will be sent by individual teachers at the beginning of the semester
Missed group lessons are nonrefundable.
If you have to miss an individual online lesson, please let your instructor know within a reasonable time ahead of said lesson. Clarify with your instructor what is reasonable for them. If the instructor is not informed ahead of time, the lesson is nonrefundable.
Group online classes will only be possible with enough participants. Classes will meet on zoom/skype for one hour at a day and time mutually agreed upon by participants and teacher.
Indywidualne zajęcia online są możliwe. Będziemy współpracować z rodzicami, aby znaleźć dzień/godzinę, która będzie odpowiednia dla ucznia i nauczyciela.
Individual online classes are possible. We will work with you to try to find a day/time that works for you and the teacher.
Kalendarz 2024/25: (27 lekcji) - Calendar (27 classes)
- JESIEŃ/ Fall 2024 semester (12 classes)
- Pierwszy dzień zajęć: tydzień 16 września/ First day of class: week of September 16th
- Ostatni dzień zajęć: tydzień 16 grudnia/ Last day of class: week of December 16th
- ZIMA/ Winter 2024 semester (15 classes)
- Pierwszy dzień zajęć: tydzień 13 stycznia/ First day of class: week of January 13th
- Ostatni dzień zajęć: tydzień 12 maja/ Last day of class: week of May 12th
Data i godzina/ Time and day: To be determined in August based on student's and teacher's availability.
Opłata/ Tuition (per student/per class) :
- 60 minute class: 1 student ($40), 2 students ($26), 3 students ($22), 4 students ($15)
- 45 minute class: 1 student ($35), 2 students ($20), 3 students ($15), 4 students ($12)
- 30 minute class: 1 student ($25), 2 students ($15), 3 students ($12), 4 students ($10)
- Sylwia Hunsinger (our treasurer) will send you an invoice via email to pay for your tuition two weeks prior to each due date.
- Payment is accepted as an ACH transfer (offered in the Invoice e-mail) or by check. ACH transfer is secure and preferred.
- Late fee of $50 (per semester) will be applied if payments are not made by the specified dates.
- Please contact Sylwia Hunsinger if there are any questions at [email protected]
Artykuły szkolne i książki / School supplies and books
Listę potrzebnych artykułów szkolnych wyślą nauczyciele na początku semestru.
A list of necessary school supplies will be sent by individual teachers at the beginning of the semester
Missed group lessons are nonrefundable.
If you have to miss an individual online lesson, please let your instructor know within a reasonable time ahead of said lesson. Clarify with your instructor what is reasonable for them. If the instructor is not informed ahead of time, the lesson is nonrefundable.