The Polish School of Ann Arbor is a registered 501c3 non-profit. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by the IRS.
Contributions help support the school's mission by helping to pay for teachers, materials, facilities rental, administrative costs, and enrichment activities for the students and community. To make a financial contribution, please click on the donate button or use a phone to scan the QR code (please note that we are accepting contributions through paypal, which may add a fee for the service). If you would like to contribute in other ways, volunteer, or have other resources you would like to donate, please contact the school leadership at [email protected]. Scan the QR code with your telephone to take you directly to the school's Paypal donation page.
Click the Donate button to make a secure Paypal payment or donation to the school using a credit card.
Using a PayPal account, you can send money or make a payment to anyone with an email address or mobile number.
From your computer, here’s how to send money. First, create a PayPal account and log in:
**The school's PayPal username is Polish Language Center of Ann Arbor |